阿尔茨海默氏协会主办论坛,讨论非裔美国人中阿尔茨海默氏发病率较高的问题。 Alzheimer's Association hosts forum to address higher Alzheimer's rates in African Americans.
阿尔茨海默氏协会在黑人历史月期间举办了一个社区论坛,以提高对阿尔茨海默氏病资源的认识,特别是对非裔美国人而言,他们被诊断患有这种疾病的概率是他们的两倍。 The Alzheimer's Association held a community forum during Black History Month to raise awareness about Alzheimer's resources, particularly for African Americans, who are twice as likely to be diagnosed with the disease. 活动重点介绍了旨在改善当地护理的现有方案和服务。 The event highlighted available programs and services aimed at improving local care. 高级主任Arlene Wilson强调,必须为记忆丧失者提供一个平静、安全的环境。 Arlene Wilson, a senior director, stressed the importance of providing a calm, safe environment for those with memory loss.