罗伯特·巴伦专栏:应对痴呆症对每个相关人员来说都很困难。 Robert Barron column: Dealing with dementia difficult for everyone concerned.
92岁的大家庭女族长患有痴呆症,已经在纳奈莫的痴呆症专科护理院伊甸园花园生活了两年。 92-year-old matriarch of a large family, suffering from dementia, has been living in Eden Gardens, a dementia-specific care home in Nanaimo for two years. 家人认为,随着痴呆症的进展,她之前在哥哥家里的居住环境不再安全。 The family determined that her previous living situation, at her brother's house, was no longer safe as dementia progressed. 这位专栏作家强调,对于每个参与其中的人来说,应对痴呆症是困难且具有挑战性的。 The columnist emphasizes the difficult and challenging nature of dealing with dementia for everyone involved.