作为新西兰第一个在阿尔茨海默病新西兰计划下追求官方痴呆友好地位的大学. 1st New Zealand university to pursue official dementia-friendly status under Alzheimer's NZ's program.
澳大利亚奥克兰大学医学与健康科学学院是新西兰首个追求官方痴呆友好地位的学院,加入了阿尔茨海默病新西兰痴呆友好认可计划. The University of Auckland's Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences is the first in New Zealand to pursue official dementia-friendly status, joining Alzheimer’s NZ’s Dementia Friendly Recognition Programme. 这一举措旨在加强患有痴呆症者的无障碍环境。 This initiative aims to enhance accessibility for those experiencing dementia. 该项目由Emma Sadera牵头,与教师对大脑健康的研究重点相一致,2023年参与组织大幅增加。 Led by Emma Sadera, the project aligns with the faculty’s research focus on brain health and has seen a significant increase in participating organizations in 2023.