澳大利亚启动了改善痴呆症护理的十年计划,影响到421,000多人。 Australia launches 10-year plan to improve dementia care, affecting over 421,000 people.
澳大利亚政府公布了一项为期十年的《国家痴呆症行动计划》,旨在改善痴呆症患者及其照顾者的生活质量。 The Australian government has unveiled a 10-year National Dementia Action Plan aimed at improving the quality of life for those with dementia and their caregivers. 该计划包括加强服务、减少耻辱感和促进研究的八项关键行动。 The plan includes eight key actions to enhance services, reduce stigma, and boost research. 它针对421,000多名患有痴呆症的澳大利亚人,预计到2058年这一数字将翻一番。 It targets over 421,000 Australians with dementia, a number projected to double by 2058. 澳大利亚痴呆症患者支持该计划,强调合作实施有效的服务和治疗。 Dementia Australia supports the plan, emphasizing collaboration to implement effective services and treatments.