梵蒂冈开放了教皇的暑期宫殿 为生态友好之旅,强调可持续性和社会正义。 Vatican opens Pope's summer palace for eco-friendly tours, highlighting sustainability and social justice.
作为"博尔戈劳达托西"倡议的一部分, 蒂冈正在启动教宗夏季宫殿Castel Gandolfo的新巡游, The Vatican is launching a new tour of the Pope's summer palace, Castel Gandolfo, as part of the Borgo Laudato Si' initiative, marking the 10th anniversary of Pope Francis' environmental encyclical. 参观者可以品尝有机产品,享用草药茶,并参加以可持续性为重点的讲习班。 Visitors can taste organic produce, enjoy herbal teas, and participate in workshops focused on sustainability. 花园以太阳能电池板、雨水系统和电动车辆为特色,促进生态教育和社会正义。 The gardens feature solar panels, rainwater systems, and electric vehicles, promoting ecological education and social justice.