梵蒂冈为威尼斯艺术双年展在威尼斯女子监狱展示了“用我的眼睛”多媒体装置,预计教皇方济各将出席。 Vatican reveals "With My Eyes" multimedia installation in Venice's women's prison for Venice Biennale of Art, with Pope Francis expected to attend.
梵蒂冈公布了即将到来的威尼斯艺术双年展的项目:威尼斯女子监狱内的多媒体装置,囚犯和艺术家的积极参与。 The Vatican has revealed its project for the upcoming Venice Biennale of Art: a multimedia installation inside Venice's women's prison, involving the active participation of inmates and artists. 名为“用我的眼睛”的罗马教廷展馆将是教皇首次参观双年展,预计教皇方济各将于 4 月 28 日出席。 The Holy See pavilion, titled "With My Eyes," will be the first time a pontiff visits the Biennale, with Pope Francis expected to attend on April 28. 该项目以毛里齐奥·卡特兰(Maurizio Cattelan)和已故科里塔·肯特(Corita Kent)等艺术家的作品为特色,符合教皇方济各对艺术家与穷人和边缘化群体接触的呼吁。 The project, featuring works by artists such as Maurizio Cattelan and the late Corita Kent, aligns with Pope Francis' call for artists to engage with the poor and marginalized. 参观展馆的游客需要提前预约参观并遵守严格的安全规定。 Visitors to the pavilion will need to reserve visits in advance and follow strict security protocols.