俄克拉荷马州Purcell的火车出轨;存在危险材料,但没有报告直接的公众风险。 Train derails in Purcell, Oklahoma; hazardous materials present, but no immediate public risk reported.
在俄克拉何马州Purcell的Jefferson街和北加拿大大道附近,一辆载有危险材料和酒精的火车于周六凌晨2:45左右出轨。 四辆火车车被推翻,但BNSF铁路公司证实集装箱完好无损,对公众没有直接风险。 A train carrying hazardous materials and alcohol derailed near Jefferson Street and North Canadian Avenue in Purcell, Oklahoma, early Saturday morning around 2:45 a.m. Four train cars were overturned, but BNSF Railway confirmed that the containers are intact and pose no immediate risk to the public. 专门的危险材料小组正在现场,清理工作正在进行之中,预计将在星期日之前完成。 Specialized hazardous materials teams are at the scene, and cleanup efforts are underway, expected to be completed by Sunday. 当局建议居民在清理期间避开这个区域。 Authorities advise residents to avoid the area during the cleanup.