Mendoza至圣地亚哥之间的路线在2024年被命名为最动荡的路线,突出显示了飞行挑战。 Route between Mendoza and Santiago named most turbulent in 2024, highlighting flight challenges.
2024年最动荡的飞行路线被揭露,门多萨和圣地亚哥之间的航线由于安第斯山脉的影响而名列前茅。 The most turbulent flight routes in 2024 were revealed, with the route between Mendoza and Santiago topping the list due to the Andes' impact. 动荡往往是由山脉、风暴和喷气流造成的,气候变化可能加剧严重动荡。 Turbulence is often caused by mountain ranges, storms, and jet streams, and climate change may increase severe turbulence. 此外,一名JetBlue乘客因打开紧急出口而被捕,一名三角洲船员帮助母亲和女儿团聚。 Additionally, a JetBlue passenger was arrested for opening an emergency exit, and a Delta crew helped reunite a mother and daughter.