由于大气因素,锡拉丘兹的两趟航班被列为美国颠簸最严重的航线之一,其中北美最颠簸的航线是纳什维尔-罗利-达勒姆。 Two Syracuse flights rank among US's worst for turbulence due to atmospheric factors, with North America's most turbulent route being Nashville-Raleigh-Durham.
进出锡拉丘兹的两架航班因经历严重湍流而被认定为美国最糟糕的航班之一。 Two flights in and out of Syracuse have been identified as among the worst in the U.S. for experiencing significant turbulence. 由天气变化、飞越山脉和水面等大气因素引起的湍流可能会导致乘客感到不适,有时甚至感到恐惧。 Turbulence, caused by atmospheric factors such as weather changes and flying over mountains and water, can result in discomfort and sometimes fear for passengers. 在湍流预报公司 Turbli 的一项研究中,北美最湍流的航线是田纳西州纳什维尔和北卡罗来纳州罗利-达勒姆之间的 442 英里的航班。 In a study by a turbulence forecasting company called Turbli, the most turbulent route in North America is a 442-mile flight between Nashville, Tennessee, and Raleigh-Durham, North Carolina.