香港到台北的飞行路线 出现了最大的涨幅, 成为2024年世界上最忙碌。 The Hong Kong to Taipei flight path saw the biggest surge, becoming the world's busiest in 2024.
OAG的一项研究表明,2024年最繁忙的飞行路线在香港和台北之间,容量增加48%,达到680万个座位。 A study by OAG shows that the busiest flight path in 2024 is between Hong Kong and Taipei, with a 48% increase in capacity to 6.8 million seats. 这条路线超越了前领导人吉隆坡至新加坡,新加坡现在排名第四。 This route surpasses the previous leader, Kuala Lumpur to Singapore, which now ranks fourth. 最顶端路线大多在亚洲,纽约肯尼迪机场至伦敦希思罗路线是前10名中唯一的西方目的地。 Most of the top routes are within Asia, with the New York JFK to London Heathrow route being the only Western destination in the top 10. 空中交通恢复到流行病前水平是全球旅行业的一个积极迹象。 The recovery of air traffic to pre-pandemic levels is a positive sign for the global travel industry.