2024年,全世界发生多起致命的航空事故,凸显了航空领域的关键安全问题。 Multiple fatal airline accidents worldwide in 2024 highlight critical safety issues in aviation.
2024年,航空业在世界各地面临多起悲剧性事故。 In 2024, the aviation industry faced multiple tragic accidents worldwide. 值得注意的事件包括东京的跑道碰撞,造成5人死亡,阿拉斯加航空公司一架航班的空中机身分离,新加坡航空公司一架航班发生严重动荡,造成致命伤。 Notable incidents include a runway collision in Tokyo that killed 5 people, a mid-air fuselage separation of an Alaska Airlines flight, and severe turbulence on a Singapore Airlines flight that caused fatal injuries. 巴西目睹了巴西最严重的灾难之一,当时一架Voepass航空公司的飞机坠毁,机上所有62人全部丧生。 Brazil saw one of its worst disasters when a Voepass Airlines plane crashed, killing all 62 aboard. 最近,阿塞拜疆航空公司一架航班在Aktau附近坠毁,造成许多人死亡,只有32名幸存者。 Recently, an Azerbaijan Airlines flight crashed near Aktau, claiming many lives with only 32 survivors. 这些事件突出了航空部门紧迫的安全关切。 These incidents highlight pressing safety concerns in the aviation sector.