德克萨斯州的Khileen 如果温度降到32摄氏度以下 帮助有需要的人 就会打开过夜变暖中心 Killeen, Texas, opens overnight warming center if temperatures drop below 32°F to help those in need.
德克萨斯州Killeen市与危机中的朋友合作,在危机庇护所之友开设一个强化的过夜变暖中心,从今晚下午8点到星期六上午11点,如果气温或风铃降到32°F以下。 The City of Killeen, Texas, has partnered with Friends in Crisis to open an enhanced overnight warming center at the Friends in Crisis shelter from 8 PM tonight until 11 AM on Saturday, if temperatures or windchills drop below 32°F. 国家气象局将在每天三点前决定中心是否开放。 The National Weather Service will decide by 3 PM daily if the center will open. 其他城市建筑,包括市政厅和图书馆也提供温暖。 Other city buildings, including City Hall and libraries, also offer warmth. 为冷却中心捐水可在消防站和警察局投放。 Water donations for cooling centers can be dropped off at fire stations and the police station.