在孟菲斯,一个暖化中心开放 以收容无家可归的人 从寒冷, 之后一个孩子的车祸死亡。 A warming center opens in Memphis to shelter the homeless from cold, following a child's car accident death.
一名6岁女孩在东孟菲斯的车祸中不幸丧生。 A six-year-old girl was tragically killed in a car accident in East Memphis. 为了应对气温下降,在孟菲斯开设了一个暖化中心,为无家可归的人提供住所,帮助保护他们免受低于冻结温度的气温的影响。 In response to dropping temperatures, a warming center has opened in Memphis to provide shelter for those experiencing homelessness, helping protect them from the below-freezing temperatures. 诺克斯维尔的类似中心的需求也很高,有一个站点已经利用一个溢出地点容纳65人。 Similar centers in Knoxville have also seen high demand, with one site already utilizing an overflow location to accommodate 65 people.