澳大利亚家长在技术需求驱动下,在2025年创下136亿澳元的返校费用记录。 Australian parents brace for record $13.6 billion back-to-school costs in 2025, driven by tech demands.
澳大利亚家长的返校费用预计将在2025年达到136亿美元,比2024年的129亿美元有所增加。 Australian parents face rising back-to-school costs, expected to reach $13.6 billion in 2025, up from $12.9 billion in 2024. 小学用品平均为694美元,中学用品费用为1 149美元。 Primary school supplies average $694, while secondary supplies cost $1,149. 这一增长主要是由于数字技术成为教室的一项要求。 The increase is largely due to digital technology becoming a classroom requirement. 为了帮助管理费用,一些州提供救济付款,学校提供付款计划。 To help manage costs, some states offer relief payments, and schools provide payment plans.