维多利亚州私立学校的学费预计到2025年将达到40 000加元,吉隆语法学校收费超过89 000加元。 Private school tuition in Victoria is projected to top $40,000 by 2025, with Geelong Grammar charging over $89,000.
澳大利亚维多利亚的私立学校学费预计到2025年将超过40 000美元,吉隆文法学校为高级寄宿学生收取89 000美元。 Private school tuition in Victoria, Australia, is expected to exceed $40,000 by 2025, with Geelong Grammar School charging over $89,000 for senior boarding students. 12年级学生的费用自2020年以来增加了约7 764美元,目前平均为42 831美元。 The cost for year 12 students has risen by about $7,764 since 2020, now averaging $42,831. Geelong Grammar, 以查尔斯国王和鲁珀特·默多克等校友闻名, 2024年在坎巴拉失去了澳大利亚最昂贵的学校称号。 Geelong Grammar, known for alumni like King Charles and Rupert Murdoch, lost its title as Australia's most expensive school to Kambala in 2024.