英国企业与政府合作,帮助刑满释放者找到工作,旨在减少犯罪。 UK businesses team up with government to help ex-offenders find jobs, aiming to reduce crime.
Greggs、冰岛和Greene King等英国大公司正在支持一项政府倡议, 帮助前罪犯找到稳定的工作。 Major UK companies like Greggs, Iceland, and Greene King are supporting a government initiative to help ex-offenders find stable jobs. 该倡议由James Timpson勋爵领导,涉及在11个地区成立就业委员会,将监狱、缓刑服务和地方企业联系起来。 Led by Lord James Timpson, the initiative involves forming employment councils in 11 regions to connect prisons, probation services, and local businesses. 目标是通过向刑满释放者提供就业机会减少犯罪。 The goal is to reduce crime by providing ex-offenders with employment opportunities. 这以2022年在93所监狱中设立的类似监狱咨询委员会的成功为基础。 This builds on the success of similar prison advisory boards introduced in 2022 in 93 prisons.