在雇用刑满释放人员的公司推动下,6个月内,前囚犯的就业率上升到近三分之一。 Employment rates for former prisoners rise to nearly a third within six months, boosted by companies hiring ex-offenders.
政府数据显示,将近三分之一离开监狱的人在6个月内找到工作,比前一年的26%有所增加。 Government data shows that nearly a third of people leaving prison find employment within six months, up from 26% the previous year. 维京公司和格雷格公司等公司正在雇用前罪犯, 发现“隐藏人才”的潜力。 Despite concerns about public perception, companies like Virgin and Greggs are hiring ex-offenders, seeing the potential for "hidden talent." 这一转变旨在降低高再犯罪率,并解决弱势群体融入劳动力队伍的挑战。 This shift aims to reduce high reoffending rates and addresses the challenge of integrating disadvantaged groups into the workforce.