CRTC计划于5月举行听证会,评估全球流服务对加拿大广播业的影响。 CRTC plans May hearing to assess global streaming services' impact on Canada's broadcasting industry.
加拿大无线电电视和电信委员会(CRTC)将于5月举行公开听证会,评估Netflix等全球流传服务对加拿大广播业的影响。 The Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) will hold a public hearing in May to assess the impact of global streaming services like Netflix on Canada's broadcasting industry. 这一协商是执行《在线流法》的一部分,其目的是确保可持续的广播系统支持加拿大内容的获取,同时考虑中小和大角色的作用。 This consultation, part of implementing the Online Streaming Act, aims to ensure a sustainable broadcasting system that supports Canadian content access while considering the roles of small, medium, and large players. CRTC试图了解市场动态以及从传统电视向流媒体的转变,而无需立即假定对在线平台的监管。 The CRTC seeks to understand market dynamics and the shift from traditional TV to streaming without immediately assuming regulation of online platforms.