英国广播公司新任主席Samir Shah博士呼吁在连流竞争中保护公共广播公司。 Dr. Samir Shah, BBC's new Chair, calls for protecting public broadcasters amid streaming competition.
萨米尔·沙赫博士在开幕式上强调, 公共广播公司 (PSB) 需要保护BBC, ITV, Channel 4和 Channel 5等公共广播公司免受数字流媒体服务的竞争. In his inaugural speech, Dr. Samir Shah, the new BBC Chair, stressed the urgent need to protect public service broadcasters (PSBs) like the BBC, ITV, Channel 4, and Channel 5 from the rising competition of digital streaming services. 他提出了三项措施:改革监管框架,敦促Netflix等流体巨人投资于联合王国的创意部门,执行最近通过的《媒体法》,优先考虑本土内容。 He proposed three measures: reforming regulatory frameworks, urging streaming giants like Netflix to invest in the UK creative sector, and enforcing the recently passed Media Act to prioritize homegrown content. Shah着重指出了主要附属机构在文化和经济方面做出的重大贡献。 Shah highlighted the significant cultural and economic contributions of PSBs.