加拿大法院在上诉前中止了巨人为加拿大内容提供资金的要求。 Canadian court suspends streaming giants' requirement to fund Canadian content, pending appeal.
加拿大联邦上诉法院中止了对Netflix和Disney Plus等流体巨人向加拿大内容基金付款的要求,以等待对CRTC裁决的上诉。 The Federal Court of Appeal in Canada has suspended the requirement for streaming giants like Netflix and Disney Plus to pay into a fund for Canadian content, pending an appeal of a CRTC decision. CRTC规定加拿大年度收入的5%由CRTC缴纳,但法院同意审理此案,将付款搁置到6月,直到8月到期。 The CRTC had mandated a 5% contribution of their annual Canadian revenues, but the court agreed to hear the case, putting the payments on hold until June, before the money is due in August. 估计每家公司每年的付款约为125万美元。 The estimated annual payments are around $1.25 million per company.