孟买高等法院采取行动,保护马哈拉施特拉邦的拉姆萨尔湿地,向政府机构发出通知。 Bombay High Court acts to protect Ramsar wetlands in Maharashtra, issuing notices to government bodies.
孟买高等法院根据最高法院的一项命令,启动了一项公共利益诉讼,以保护马哈拉施特拉邦的湿地,即拉姆萨尔遗址。 The Bombay High Court has launched a public interest litigation to protect wetlands in Maharashtra, known as Ramsar sites, following a Supreme Court order. 已向联邦环境部、马哈拉施特拉邦政府和州湿地管理局发出了通知。 Notices have been issued to the Union Ministry of Environment, Maharashtra government, and the state Wetlands Authority. 任命了高级律师Janak Dwarkadas协助法庭,定于2月25日举行听讯。 Senior counsel Janak Dwarkadas was appointed to assist the court, with hearings set for February 25.