印度古吉拉特邦保护湿地,覆盖350万公顷,对生物多样性至关重要。 Gujarat, India, protects its wetlands, covering 3.5 million hectares, crucial for biodiversity.
古吉拉特邦占印度湿地比例最高,为21%,总面积350万公顷。 Gujarat holds the highest percentage of wetlands in India, at 21%, with a total area of 3.5 million hectares. 国家拥有17 613个湿地,包括自然和人造湿地,其中19个被公认为重要的鸟类和生物多样性地区。 The state is home to 17,613 wetlands, which include natural and man-made types, and 19 of these are recognized as Important Bird and Biodiversity Areas. 古吉拉特邦湿地管理局在GEER基金会的支持下,通过研究和培训方案致力于养护和管理这些湿地。 The Gujarat State Wetland Authority, supported by the GEER Foundation, works to conserve and manage these wetlands through research and training programs.