印度在泰米尔纳德邦和中央邦增加了三个拉姆萨尔场址,将数目增加到85个。 India added three Ramsar sites in Tamil Nadu and Madhya Pradesh, increasing its count to 85.
印度在泰米尔纳德邦和中央邦的国际重要湿地(拉姆萨尔地点)名单中增加了三个新的湿地,使总数达到85个。 India has added three new wetlands in Tamil Nadu and Madhya Pradesh to its list of Wetlands of International Importance (Ramsar sites), bringing the total count to 85. 1971年《拉姆萨尔公约》是保护和可持续利用湿地的一项国际条约,根据该公约,新地点被指定保护和养护湿地,即泰米尔纳德邦的Nanjarayan鸟类保护区和Kazhuveli鸟类保护区以及中央邦的Tawa Reservoir。 The new sites, Nanjarayan Bird Sanctuary and Kazhuveli Bird Sanctuary in Tamil Nadu, and Tawa Reservoir in Madhya Pradesh, have been designated to protect and conserve wetlands under the Ramsar Convention of 1971, which is an international treaty for the conservation and sustainable use of wetlands. 印度自1982年以来一直是该公约的签署国。 India has been a signatory to the convention since 1982.