演员梅尔·吉布森 (Mel Gibson) 在洛杉矶野火中警告文明的终结,并指责州长。 Actor Mel Gibson warns of civilization's end amid Los Angeles wildfires, blaming the governor.
演员梅尔·吉布森 (Mel Gibson) 在播客上讨论洛杉矶野火时,警告即将“文明终结”,并指责加州州长。 Actor Mel Gibson, discussing Los Angeles wildfires on a podcast, warned of an impending "end of civilization," blaming California's governor. 大火已迫使 180,000 人撤离,其中包括 16 名迈阿密大学的学生。 The fires have forced 180,000 people, including 16 Miami University students, to evacuate. 这场灾难还对娱乐业造成了沉重打击,导致制作停止并造成财务压力,估计损失为 52-570 亿美元。 The disaster has also hit the entertainment industry hard, halting productions and causing financial strain, with estimated damages of $52-$57 billion. 帕丽斯·希尔顿 (Paris Hilton) 和亚当·布罗迪 (Adam Brody) 等名人失去了家园,在网上引发了不同的反应。 Celebrities like Paris Hilton and Adam Brody have lost homes, sparking mixed reactions online.