Palisades 大火摧毁了马里布,摧毁了帕丽斯希尔顿的住宅和 1,000 多座其他建筑。 Palisades Fire devastates Malibu, destroying Paris Hilton's home and over 1,000 other structures.
最近洛杉矶的 Palisades 大火摧毁了帕丽斯希尔顿酒店在马里布的海滨别墅和 1,000 多座其他建筑物,导致至少 30,000 名居民流离失所。 The recent Palisades Fire in Los Angeles has destroyed Paris Hilton's Malibu beach home and over 1,000 other structures, displacing at least 30,000 residents. 这场大火已经蔓延到马里布和太平洋海岸高速公路,已经影响了几处名人的房产,包括 Adam Brody、Anna Faris 和 Jennifer Love Hewitt 的房产。 The fire, which has spread to Malibu and the Pacific Coast Highway, has affected several celebrity properties, including those of Adam Brody, Anna Faris, and Jennifer Love Hewitt. 附近的酒店已满员,疏散人员正在寻找避难所。 Nearby hotels are at full capacity with evacuees seeking shelter.