Singer Mark Owen和家人在加利福尼亚的野火摧毁了一千多座房屋后 撤离家园。 Singer Mark Owen and family evacuate home as California wildfires destroy over 1,000 homes.
乐队成员,马克欧文, 和他的家人 疏散洛杉矶的家 因为加州的野火迅速蔓延。 Member of the band Take That, Mark Owen, and his family evacuated their Los Angeles home due to California's rapidly spreading wildfires. 1 000多座房屋被摧毁,70 000多名居民被疏散。 Over 1,000 homes have been destroyed, and more than 70,000 residents have been evacuated. 影响马里布和好莱坞丘陵等地区的大火引发了紧急状态。 The fires, affecting areas like Malibu and Hollywood Hills, have caused a state of emergency. 欧文的妻子Emma分享了他们在社交媒体方面的经验, 感谢第一反应者并强调气候变化的影响。 Owen’s wife, Emma, shared their experience on social media, thanking first responders and emphasizing the impact of climate change. 包括Paris Hilton和Harrison Ford在内的名人也受到影响。 Celebrities including Paris Hilton and Harrison Ford have also been affected.