前总统吉米·卡特 (Jimmy Carter) 以其人道主义工作而闻名,他在佐治亚州去世,享年 100 岁。 Former President Jimmy Carter, known for his humanitarian work, passed away at 100 in Georgia.
美国前总统吉米·卡特 (Jimmy Carter) 在担任总统后以人道主义工作而闻名,在他的家乡佐治亚州普莱恩斯去世,享年 100 岁。 Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter, known for his humanitarian work post-presidency, passed away at 100 in his hometown of Plains, Georgia. 卡特于 1977 年至 1981 年担任总统,后来获得了诺贝尔和平奖。 Carter served as president from 1977 to 1981 and later earned a Nobel Peace Prize. 他毕生致力于解决国际冲突、促进民主以及促进经济和社会发展。 He dedicated his life to solving international conflicts, promoting democracy, and advancing economic and social development. 卡特还在监督选举、根除麦地那龙线虫病以及与仁人家园一起建造房屋方面发挥了关键作用。 Carter also played key roles in monitoring elections, eradicating Guinea worm disease, and building homes with Habitat for Humanity.