纽芬兰反对党呼吁暂停投票, 与魁北克达成重大能源协议。 Opposition parties in Newfoundland call for pause on voting for major energy deal with Quebec.
纽芬兰和拉布拉多的反对党呼吁停止对魁北克重大能源协议的投票。 Newfoundland and Labrador's opposition parties are calling for a halt in voting on a significant energy deal with Quebec. 他们认为,需要更多时间来审查该协定,其中涉及丘吉尔瀑布发电站。 They argue that more time is needed to review the agreement, which involves the Churchill Falls generating station. 反对派试图阻止仓促批准这项交易,因为这可能对该省的能源部门产生长期影响。 The opposition seeks to prevent rushed approval of the deal, which could have long-term impacts on the province's energy sector.