魁北克和纽芬兰达成权力协议,结束多年的争端,加强省级联系。 Quebec and Newfoundland reach power deal, ending years of dispute and boosting provincial ties.
魁北克省、纽芬兰省和拉布拉多半岛省已经解决了有关水力发电的长期争端,并结束了多年的僵局。 Quebec and Newfoundland and Labrador have resolved a long-standing dispute over hydroelectric power, ending years of gridlock. 该协议被誉为一项重大突破,甚至赢得过去为解决这一问题而奋斗的前政治领导人的赞扬。 The agreement, hailed as a significant breakthrough, has garnered praise even from former political leaders who struggled to resolve the issue in the past. 这项交易有可能促进两省之间的能源合作和经济联系。 This deal could potentially boost energy cooperation and economic ties between the two provinces.