伦敦当局疏散并在摄政街附近炸毁了一辆可疑车辆;现在一切都清楚了。 London authorities evacuated and blew up a suspicious vehicle near Regent Street; all clear now.
1 月 8 日,伦敦摄政街和新伯灵顿街附近有一辆可疑车辆,促使地方当局疏散该地区并进行受控爆炸作为预防措施。 On January 8, a suspicious vehicle near Regent Street and New Burlington Street in London prompted local authorities to evacuate the area and conduct controlled explosions as a precaution. 经检查,确认车辆无可疑,事件得到全面解决。 After inspection, the vehicle was confirmed as non-suspicious, and the incident was fully resolved. 附近的道路封闭已解除,该地区恢复正常。 Road closures in the vicinity were lifted, and the area returned to normal.