多伦多警方在星期天调查了Union车站的可疑包裹,后来证实没有威胁。 On Sunday, Toronto police investigated a suspicious package at Union Station, later confirming no threat.
星期日下午,多伦多警方在Union车站附近调查了一个可疑的包裹,关闭了Bay街周围的道路和行人通道。 On Sunday afternoon, Toronto police investigated a suspicious package near Union Station, closing roads and pedestrian access around Bay Street. 爆炸装置单位于下午2时21分派出,后来证实公共安全没有受到威胁。 The explosive devices unit was dispatched at 2:21 p.m. and later confirmed there was no threat to public safety. 评估之后,受影响的道路重新开通,恢复了正常的交通流量。 Following this assessment, the affected roads were reopened, restoring normal traffic flow.