伦敦摄政街因一辆可疑车辆而疏散;警方的行动结论是,这是一场虚假的警报。 London's Regent Street evacuated due to a suspicious vehicle; police action concluded it was a false alarm.
伦敦摄政街在接到可疑车辆的报告后被疏散,导致警方作为预防措施进行控制爆炸。 Regent Street in London was evacuated after reports of a suspicious vehicle, leading police to conduct controlled explosions as a precaution. 商店被关闭,该地区被封锁,造成交通拥挤。 Shops were closed, and the area was locked down, causing traffic congestion. 然而,发现该车辆不可疑,该事件已解决,无需采取进一步行动。 However, the vehicle was found to be non-suspicious, and the incident was resolved with no further action needed. 摄政街预计将很快重新开放。 Regent Street is expected to reopen soon.