阿拉巴马国民警卫队启动350名警卫, 协助管理即将到来的冬季风暴冲击。 Alabama National Guard activates 350 guardsmen to help manage impending winter storm’s impacts.
阿拉巴马国民警卫队已启动约350名警卫, 协助即将来临的冬季风暴, The Alabama National Guard has activated approximately 350 guardsmen to assist with an impending winter storm expected to hit northern and central Alabama starting Friday. 风暴可能带来2至8英寸的雪,造成道路条件危险。 The storm could bring 2-8 inches of snow, causing hazardous road conditions. 警卫在机动支援队下开展工作,将协助社区和阿拉巴马紧急管理局管理风暴的影响。 The guardsmen, operating under mobility support teams, will aid communities and the Alabama Emergency Management Agency in managing the storm's impacts.