阿拉巴马州Baldwin县面临严酷寒冷, Baldwin County, Alabama faces severe cold, prompting energy conservation and a state of emergency.
阿拉巴马州鲍德温县(Baldwin County,阿拉巴马州)面临极端寒冷和雪雪雪,促使当地公用事业公司要求居民通过关闭不需要的灯和电器来节约能源,并推迟使用洗碗机和干燥机等电器。 Baldwin County, Alabama is under extreme cold and snow, prompting local utility companies to ask residents to conserve energy by turning off unneeded lights and appliances, and postponing the use of electric devices like dishwashers and dryers. 寒冷导致道路条件危险,Kay Ivey总督宣布进入紧急状态,包括动员阿拉巴马国民警卫队和应急管理局。 The cold snap has led to hazardous road conditions and a state of emergency declared by Governor Kay Ivey, which includes mobilizing the Alabama National Guard and Emergency Management Agency. 敦促居民避免不必要的旅行,在户外安全使用发电机,以防止一氧化碳中毒。 Residents are urged to avoid unnecessary travel and use generators safely outdoors to prevent carbon monoxide poisoning.