阿拉巴马州和俄亥俄州派遣国民警卫队,协助北卡罗来纳州开展海伦飓风的恢复工作。 Alabama and Ohio dispatch National Guard teams to assist North Carolina in Hurricane Helene recovery efforts.
阿拉巴马州州长凯·伊维已派遣国民警卫队前往北卡罗来纳州,协助海伦飓风的恢复工作。 Alabama Governor Kay Ivey has dispatched a National Guard team to North Carolina to assist with Hurricane Helene recovery efforts. 由13名成员组成的小组包括死亡搜索和康复小组以及更多救援部队的飞行员。 The 13-member team includes Airmen from the Fatality Search and Recovery Team and additional rescue units. 同样,俄亥俄州州长Mike DeWine也启动了俄亥俄州国民警卫队,以提供空中支援和用品运输。 Similarly, Ohio Governor Mike DeWine has activated the Ohio National Guard to provide aerial support and transportation of supplies. 两个州都根据紧急管理援助契约对援助受影响社区作出反应。 Both states are responding under the Emergency Management Assistance Compact to aid affected communities.