一名女子涉嫌在不列颠哥伦比亚省维多利亚市持砍刀偷窃出租车,被指控抢劫和持有武器。 Woman charged with robbery and weapon possession after allegedly stealing taxi in Victoria, B.C., while wielding a machete.
不列颠哥伦比亚省维多利亚市一名女子因持砍刀偷窃一辆出租车而受到指控。 A woman in Victoria, B.C., has been charged after allegedly stealing a taxi while wielding a machete. 该女子最初要求载她去几个地方,但当司机要求她付款时,她用砍刀威胁司机,然后开车离开。 The woman initially requested a ride to several locations, but when the driver asked her to pay, she threatened him with the machete and drove off. 警方试图拦下她,但没有成功,但后来用带刺皮带拦下了她的车。 Police unsuccessfully tried to pull her over, but later stopped the vehicle using a spike belt. 被告面临抢劫和持有危险武器的指控。 The accused faces charges of robbery and possessing a weapon for dangerous purposes.