在比林斯,劫车导致追逐、逮捕和坠机;两名嫌疑人逃离。 In Billings, a carjacking led to a chase, arrest, and crash; two suspects flee.
星期一上午4时38分,Billings发生了一起劫车事件,涉及一名男子和两名妇女,他们用枪偷走了一辆汽车。 A carjacking occurred in Billings at 4:38 a.m. on Monday, involving a man and two women who used a gun to steal a vehicle. 蒙大拿州立大学比林斯警察发现了偷来的汽车,导致追逐。 Montana State University Billings police found the stolen car, leading to a chase. 男性嫌犯徒步逃脱,车辆在市区坠毁。 The male suspect escaped on foot, and the vehicle crashed downtown. 司机是一名28岁的当地妇女,被逮捕,并面临抢劫和拒捕等指控。 The driver, a 28-year-old local woman, was arrested and faces charges including robbery and resisting arrest. 两名嫌疑人仍然在逃,没有受伤的报道。 Two suspects remain at large, with no injuries reported.