洛杉矶和圣地亚哥两县的学校因危险的野火和空气质量差而关闭。 Schools in Los Angeles and San Diego counties closed due to dangerous wildfires and poor air quality.
由于野火和高风迅速蔓延,包括洛杉矶和圣地亚哥县在内的南加利福尼亚州多个学区于2025年1月8日关闭。 Due to rapidly spreading wildfires and high winds, multiple school districts in Southern California, including Los Angeles and San Diego counties, closed on January 8, 2025. Palisades和Eaton大火烧毁了2 900多英亩土地,强迫疏散,并造成有害的空气质量。 The Palisades and Eaton fires have burned over 2,900 acres, forced evacuations, and caused hazardous air quality. 学校将在1月9日根据火灾的发展和天气状况重新评估1月9日的重新开学情况。 Schools will reassess reopening for January 9 based on the fire's progression and weather conditions.