由于大风和停电,东县地区靠近圣地亚哥县的学校。 San Diego County schools in East County areas close due to high winds and power outages.
圣地亚哥县教育办公室于星期二宣布关闭多所学校区,因为预计会有高风和持续停电,优先注意学生和工作人员的安全。 The San Diego County Office of Education announced the closure of multiple school districts on Tuesday due to forecasted high winds and ongoing power outages, prioritizing student and staff safety. 根据红旗警告,封锁影响东县地区,强风至周二晚上,火灾天气监视从周三晚上开始。 The closures affect East County areas under a Red Flag Warning for strong winds until Tuesday night and a Fire Weather Watch starting Wednesday evening.