新的研究发现,将血压降至120毫米的汞对肾病患者有利,减少了重大心脏病。 New study finds lowering blood pressure to 120 mm Hg benefits kidney disease patients, reducing major heart events.
一项新的研究表明,如SPRINT试验所示,将血压降至低于120毫米汞的好处也适用于现实环境中的慢性肾脏疾病患者。 A new study shows that the benefits of lowering blood pressure to below 120 mm Hg, as seen in the SPRINT trial, also apply to patients with chronic kidney disease in real-world settings. 这种密集的办法降低了发生重大心血管事件和死亡的风险,但增加了发生急性肾损伤等不利事件的风险。 This intensive approach reduced the risk of major cardiovascular events and death, though it increased the risk of some adverse events like acute kidney injury. 这项研究利用南加利福尼亚州退伍军人健康管理局和Kaiser常设医院提供的数据,表明这种治疗在临床实践中可以有效地适用于类似的病人。 The research, using data from the Veterans Health Administration and Kaiser Permanente of Southern California, suggests that this treatment can be effectively applied to similar patients in clinical practice.