中国的一项研究表明,将糖尿病患者的血压降至120毫米以下,可能会降低主要的心脏病风险。 A Chinese study shows lowering blood pressure below 120 mm Hg in diabetics may reduce major heart risks.
一项中国研究,即BPROAD试验发现,将2型糖尿病患者的静脉血压降至120毫米以下,使重大心血管疾病风险降低21%,而标准BP目标低于140毫米。 A Chinese study, the BPROAD trial, found that lowering systolic blood pressure (BP) to below 120 mm Hg in patients with type 2 diabetes reduced the risk of major cardiovascular events by 21% compared to a standard BP target of less than 140 mm Hg. 这项研究涉及全中国12,800多名病人,表明密集的BP治疗可以防止糖尿病患者中风和心脏病发作。 The study involved over 12,800 patients across China and suggests that intensive BP treatment could prevent strokes and heart attacks in diabetic patients. 然而,专家指出,结果可能不直接适用于中国境外的病人。 However, experts note that the results may not directly apply to patients outside of China.