研究发现,老年人对血压的严格控制降低了认知下降的风险。 Tight blood pressure control in older adults cuts risk of cognitive decline, study finds.
Wake Forest大学医学院的一项研究表明,对3.5年的强烈血压控制可以大大减少高血压老年人轻微认知障碍或痴呆的风险,即使在治疗结束后也是如此。 A study from Wake Forest University School of Medicine shows that intensive blood pressure control for 3.5 years can significantly reduce the risk of mild cognitive impairment or dementia in older adults with hypertension, even after treatment ends. 该研究发表在神经学上,参与者超过9 361人,发现那些达到更严格的血压目标的人以后的认知问题发生率较低。 The research, published in Neurology, involved over 9,361 participants and found that those with stricter blood pressure goals had lower rates of cognitive issues later on.