猫死在艾斯基之后 被指控虐待动物的人 被关了8个小时 Man charged with animal cruelty after cat dies in esky he confined it in for eight hours.
西澳大利亚州Floreat的一名38岁男子被指控虐待动物, 将邻居的宠物猫关在埃斯基约8小时, A 38-year-old man from Floreat, Western Australia, has been charged with animal cruelty after confining a neighbor's pet cat in an esky for about eight hours, which led to the cat's death. 该名男子声称,他以为这只猫是一条行走的流浪狗,并把它放在空中,以防止它抓伤他或他的孩子,并扰乱他的兔子。 The man claimed he thought the cat was a feral stray and placed it in the esky to prevent it from scratching him or his children and disturbing his rabbits. 这只猫因缺氧和二氧化碳增加而死亡,而湿度又加剧了这种情况。 The cat died from lack of oxygen and increased carbon dioxide, exacerbated by humidity. 他面临高达50,000美元的罚款和五年监禁。 He faces up to $50,000 in fines and five years in prison.