25岁的Grayson Greg因在北卡罗来纳州 殴打一只猫致死后 严重虐待动物而被捕 25-year-old Grayson Gregg arrested for felony animal cruelty in North Carolina after punching a cat to death.
Grayson Gregg, 25岁,来自北卡罗来纳州Mooresville, 以虐待动物罪被捕, Grayson Gregg, a 25-year-old from Mooresville, North Carolina, has been arrested for felony animal cruelty after allegedly killing a cat by punching it in the head. 这起事件发生在9月4日的一次福利检查中, 警方审查显示格雷格行动的视频证据。 The incident occurred on September 4 during a welfare check, prompting police to review video evidence showing Gregg's actions. 他目前被扣押在Iredell县拘留中心,有5 000美元的担保保证金。 He is currently being held in the Iredell County Detention Center on a secured bond of $5,000.