中国学生因杀害猫而被判犯有虐待动物罪 被判入狱和缓刑 Chinese student convicted of animal cruelty for killing cat, sentenced to jail and probation.
中国学生Zhean Bai因在宾夕法尼亚州Butler县折磨和杀害一只猫Juliet而被判犯有虐待动物重罪。 Zhean Bai, a Chinese student, was convicted of felony animal cruelty for torturing and killing Juliet, a cat, in Butler County, Pennsylvania. Bai被判处30天监禁和1年缓刑,他同意自愿离开美国。 Bai was sentenced to 30 days in jail and one year of probation, and he agreed to leave the U.S. voluntarily. 俄亥俄州最高法院裁定,宠物不需要拥有才能根据残忍法得到保护。 The Ohio Supreme Court ruled that pets do not need to be owned to be protected under cruelty laws. Alley Cat Allies支持起诉,并打算利用这一案例倡导对虐待动物行为给予更严厉的惩罚。 Alley Cat Allies supported the prosecution and aims to use this case to advocate for stronger penalties for animal cruelty.