由于在温尼伯桥下发现了三只死猫, 一名男子面临虐待动物的指控. Man faces animal cruelty charges after three dead cats found under Winnipeg bridge.
12月在一座桥下发现三只死猫后, 一名24岁男子在Winnipeg面临虐待动物的指控。 A 24-year-old man in Winnipeg is facing animal cruelty charges after three dead cats were found under a bridge in December. 据信嫌疑人是通过社交媒体获取猫的,伤害了猫,并在桥下处置了它们的尸体。 The suspect is believed to have acquired the cats through social media, injured them, and disposed of their bodies under the bridge. 他因承诺获释,当局正在寻求更多的信息,敦促公众与警方联系,了解任何细节。 He was released on an undertaking and authorities are seeking more information, urging the public to contact the police with any details.