7国集团部长们在意大利举行会议,讨论加沙和黎巴嫩的停火、冲突和逮捕等问题。 G7 ministers met in Italy to discuss ceasefires in Gaza and Lebanon, amid conflicts and arrests.
七国集团外交部长在意大利会晤,讨论加沙和黎巴嫩可能实现停火的问题,以色列大使建议尽快与真主党达成协议。 G7 foreign ministers met in Italy to discuss potential ceasefires in Gaza and Lebanon, with Israel's ambassador suggesting a deal with Hezbollah could be reached soon. 会谈还涉及乌克兰当前的冲突以及国际刑事法院对以色列领导人和哈马斯官员发出的逮捕令。 The talks also covered the ongoing conflict in Ukraine and the International Criminal Court's arrest warrants for Israeli leaders and Hamas officials. 来自沙特阿拉伯、埃及和约旦等阿拉伯国家的部长参加了讨论,强调需要在加沙实现停火和人道主义援助。 Ministers from Arab nations including Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and Jordan joined the discussions, emphasizing the need for a ceasefire and humanitarian aid in Gaza. 在美国大选后的政治变化中举行了这次会议。 The meeting took place amid political changes following the U.S. election.