伊朗和阿曼两国部长会晤,在区域冲突中倡导叙利亚的稳定和主权。 Iranian and Omani ministers met, advocating for Syria's stability and sovereignty amid regional conflicts.
伊朗和阿曼两国外交部长在德黑兰举行会议,呼吁在叙利亚建立一个包容各方和稳定的政府,同时强调叙利亚的主权和领土完整。 Iranian and Omani foreign ministers met in Tehran, calling for an inclusive and stable government in Syria while emphasizing Syria's sovereignty and territorial integrity. 他们还讨论了不干涉叙利亚内政的重要性以及在加沙实现停火和维护也门团结的必要性。 They also discussed the importance of non-interference in Syria's internal affairs and the need for a ceasefire in Gaza and preservation of Yemen's unity. 部长们强调了他们对区域问题的共同立场和加强双边关系。 The ministers highlighted their common stance on regional issues and the strengthening of bilateral ties.