宣传运动针对族裔薪酬差距和招聘中的名字偏见,推动透明度和平等。 Campaign targets ethnicity pay gap and name bias in hiring, pushing for transparency and equality.
像我们这样的人组织的新活动"偏见从名字开始"强调少数民族工人如何面对种族薪酬差距和在就业机会中存在的姓名偏见. A new campaign called "Bias Starts With a Name" by People Like Us highlights how ethnic minority workers face the ethnicity pay gap and name bias in job opportunities. 该运动以Yasmin Ali的一部电影为主,旨在开始全国对话,并呼吁像《欧盟薪资透明度指令》一样,强制性报告族裔薪酬差距。 The campaign, featuring a film by Yasmin Ali, aims to start a national conversation and calls for mandatory ethnicity pay gap reporting, similar to the EU Pay Transparency Directive. 该运动还倡导改变雇主如何根据候选人的姓名对其进行评价,以促进工作场所的平等和公平。 The campaign also advocates for changes in how employers evaluate candidates based on their names, aiming to promote equality and fairness in the workplace.