联合王国环境部门面临种族多样性差距,少数族裔占劳动力的4.7%。 UK's environmental sector faces racial diversity gap, with ethnic minorities at 4.7% of workforce.
联合王国的环境部门缺乏种族多样性,只有4.7%的雇员来自少数族裔背景,大大低于14%的全国平均水平。 The UK's environmental sector lacks racial diversity, with only 4.7% of employees from ethnic minority backgrounds, significantly lower than the national average of 14%. 这种差异在领导层一级尤其明显。 This disparity is particularly noticeable at leadership levels. 第三次种族问题年度报告强调指出,规模较大的组织表现出的多样性更少。 The third annual Race report highlights that larger organizations show even less diversity. 尽管正在进行讨论,绿色和平组织联合王国联合主任阿雷巴·哈米德等专家强调,需要采取具体行动,改善包容性。 Despite ongoing discussions, experts like Greenpeace UK's co-director Areeba Hamid emphasize the need for concrete actions to improve inclusion.